Join us for Technov865!
TUESDAY, Sept. 19, 2:30 – 6 PM at the Square Room
This is a unique opportunity to meet and hear from the inventors behind some of the latest upcoming technologies in our area from University of Tennessee Research Foundation (UTRF)and the Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL). The event will also feature several industry speakers with unique perspectives on innovation.
Featured Keynote Speaker: Jetta Wong, Senior Advisor, Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI)
Best Practices for Technology Entrepreneurs & Institutions
Jetta has over 14 years of experience developing programs and policies that support energy and environment technologies. Prior to joining LACI, Jetta Wong established the Office of Technology Transitions for the United States Department of Energy and served as its first Director. In that capacity, she assisted the private sector, state and local governments, universities, laboratories and other stakeholders and engaged with the Department on the commercialization of new technology. <<READ MORE>>
Showcased with the inventors, will be leaders from UTRF, TVA, and ORNL, speaking about the exciting innovation and technology happening at their organizations.
UTRF Presenters:
Dayakar Penumadu, UTK, Tickle College of Engineering/ Joint Institute for Advanced Manufacturing (JIAM)
Smart Adhesive Joints for Composites and Metals with On Demand Sensing for Structural Health
A Rapid, Low-cost Point-of-care Diagnostic Device
Simulation Laboratory (HITS)
Fetal Monitoring Application
Volunteer Aerospace
Determining Male Fertility Through Genetics
High Precision, Multifunctional
Electrosurgical Generators
Three Roots Capital: UTRF Checkerboard Portfolio:
Grady Vanderhoofven, President & Chief Executive Officer, Three Roots Capital
Leveraging Venture Investor Principles to Support
Companies Affiliated with UT
ORNL, Innovation Crossroads:
Active Energy Systems
SkyNano Technologies
Yellowstone Energy