Launched in 2023, UTRF’s Venture Launch program was created to support innovation commercialization throughout all UT’s campuses and institutes. It aims to bolster, connect, and catalyze the entire System-wide entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The Venture Launch Program, which includes UTRF’s Executives-in-Residence and Entrepreneurial Fellow Program, enhances the quality of startups by supporting UT entrepreneurs. It connects founders with experienced entrepreneurs and industry leaders who bring valuable domain expertise. It aims to start, grow, and retain startups by providing UT’s innovators with the resources needed to transform their ideas into companies through early mentorship and guidance for commercialization. By strengthening the entrepreneurial culture, this program will help retain graduates in the ecosystem as entrepreneurs and attract talent to UT.
Executives-in-Residence (EIRs) are experienced entrepreneurs, investors, and business professionals who collaborate with UT startups and entrepreneurial researchers, providing expertise and connections for opportunity assessment and venture creation. They offer sector-specific knowledge, hands-on experience, and extensive industry networks. Contracted on a part-time basis, EIRs support the commercialization of 10-15 projects within their respective fields. Click here to learn more about the impact of the program.
For those interested in learning more about the EIR program or how to get involved as an UTRF EIR, please contact
The Entrepreneurial Fellow Program aims to train outstanding recent graduate students with scholarly and technical expertise for careers focused on innovation, technology development, commercialization, and entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurial Fellows receive stipends to support the commercial development of their technology, participate in a customized Innovation and Entrepreneurship training program like I-Corps, and gain business mentorship through the EIR program. During this one-year program, Fellows focus solely on developing a minimum viable product.
To learn more, click here.

For those interested in applying for the Entrepreneurial Fellow Program, please send the following to
- Your name, UTRF disclosure number(s), and UTRF disclosure title(s)
- Your résumé
- One-page (11-pt Arial) essay answering the following questions:
- What personal goals do you hope to accomplish as a Fellow? (Please include current/potential startups, if applicable.)
- What technical goals do you hope to accomplish as a Fellow? (Break down the goals in a 3-, 6-, and 12-month timeline.)
- What will the commercial output be at the end of one year? (Please include the companies interested in the technology.)
- A letter of recommendation from your advisor, stating that if you are to receive the funds to be an Entrepreneurial Fellow, that you could use their lab and be given technical assistance.