The project will study Black Box-MCAT, an integration of NSL’s Black Box EyeStar with UTRFs patent pending µSTAMPS Thruster technology The United States Space Force recently awarded a Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I grant to the University of Tennessee Space Institute (UTSI) and NearSpace Launch (NSL) during its first-ever round of funding. This (read more)
UTRF in the News
UTRF Licensee Veru, Inc. Announces Positive Results of COVID-19 Therapy’s Phase 3 Clinical Study, Seeking Emergency Use Authorization from FDA
UT Research Foundation licensee Veru, Inc. announced on April 11, 2022, that their Phase 3 clinical trial of sabizabulin as an oral therapy for hospitalized severe COVID-19 patients at high risk for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and death showed the drug to be safe and effective. The trial was halted early due to the (read more)
University of Tennessee Technology and Research on the Forefront of COVID-19 Fight
“AUTM’s recognition of Dr. Peter Tsai and Dr. Michael Whitt emphasizes the high-caliber research and technology coming out of the UT System…”, UTRF President Dr. Stacey Patterson.