Over his nearly 30-year career, Dr. Tony Skjellum’s research has focused on high-performance computing and cybersecurity, with a strong emphasis on the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain technologies
UTRF Inventor Spotlight
UTRF Inventor Spotlight: Dr. Ryan Ginder
UT researcher seeks to make glass fiber-based composites more sustainable. Can the composites industry become more circular? One researcher from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is working to answer this question for fiberglass-based composites — which represent over 90 percent of the entire composites industry. “There is a lot of push on carbon fiber recycling, (read more)
UTRF Inventor Spotlight: Matthew Layne
Local partnership results in creation of new solar charging technology for robotic mowers. One University of Tennessee, Knoxville, staff member sought to solve a problem at work and ended up co-inventing a technology with a local solar company that may unlock new possibilities for the future of electrification. Matthew Layne, co-inventor of a patent-pending, solar-powered (read more)