A technology from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, lies at the heart of a startup company creating next-generation medical devices for flexible endoscopy. EndoTheia harnesses the power of intelligently micro-machined materials to create highly dexterous manipulators, adding flexibility that increases therapeutic yields in complex endoscopic procedures. The company’s devices supplement widely used and commercially available (read more)
Maturation Fund
UTRF Inventor Spotlight: Dr. Ryan Ginder
UT researcher seeks to make glass fiber-based composites more sustainable. Can the composites industry become more circular? One researcher from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is working to answer this question for fiberglass-based composites — which represent over 90 percent of the entire composites industry. “There is a lot of push on carbon fiber recycling, (read more)
Discover 2020: UTRF Annual Report
UTRF is delighted to share Discover 2020, which celebrates our innovators and UTRF’s impact on innovation, new venture formation, and corporate engagement for the University of Tennessee. Download accessible PDF. View past annual reports.