For Immediate Release April 26, 2023 KNOXVILLE— The University of Tennessee Research Foundation (UTRF) has ranked No. 81 in the Top 100 Worldwide Universities Granted Utility Patents in 2022, a list published by the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). The University of Tennessee continues to make a profound and tangible impact across the state and around the (read more)
Discover 2020: UTRF Annual Report
UTRF is delighted to share Discover 2020, which celebrates our innovators and UTRF’s impact on innovation, new venture formation, and corporate engagement for the University of Tennessee. Download accessible PDF. View past annual reports.
490 BioTech wins Innov865 Alliance’s Startup Day; Dr. Peter Tsai is Recognized for Global Pandemic Support
Innov865 Week Ends with a Virtual Celebration of Trailblazing Entrepreneurs and Life-changing Impact KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — The startup 490 BioTech, which developed bioluminescent human cells to show changes in cellular health, won the Innov865 Judges’ Choice Award at Startup Day 2020 with a pitch that explained how its technology can improve development of pharmaceuticals. “Healthy (read more)