UTRF Legal Externship Description
The University of Tennessee Research Foundation (UTRF) and the University of Memphis Law School collaborate to provide law students with an opportunity to work in a legal setting prior to graduation. UTRF teaches skills beyond the purely legal- it takes a holistic, multifaceted approach by educating and training for the legal methods, business acumen, marketing strategies, and other ancillary tools necessary for a successful technology transfer and patent prosecution office. Specifically, the UTRF externship offers students an opportunity to gain valuable experience with intellectual property and technology commercial licensing. Externs will work with UT researchers to review new technology disclosures and evaluate their potential through patentability prior art searches and marketability assessments. If the disclosure is patentable and marketable, externs then assist with protection of the intellectual property. Additionally, students will assist UTRF with the commercial licensing of scientific properties.
- Externship positions are available for the fall, spring and summer semesters.
Preferred qualifications:
- A bachelor’s degree or advanced degree in a life science, physical science, or engineering field.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills for legal, technical, and scientific subjects.
- Excellent critical thinking skills with the ability to self-educate and adapt to various areas of technology.
- The ability to research highly complex and technical topics, discern distinctive aspects of emerging technology from existing technologies, and communicate findings in a helpful manner.
- Assist UTRF attorneys with drafting technology transfer agreements, license agreements, confidential disclosure agreements, and interinstitutional agreements.
- Collaborate with inventors to evaluate the patentability and commercial potential of their discoveries, including conducting prior art searches.
- Assist with the patent prosecution process.
- Assist with the marketing and licensing of emerging technologies.
Application Process
- In addition to any other required Memphis Law forms and meetings, the application requires students to submit a resume and cover letter addressed to UTRF.
- The University of Memphis will relay externship candidates to UTRF for consideration and interview.
- Once accepted, the student will coordinate with UTRF to arrange a start date, establish a weekly schedule, and set expectations.
- To learn more about and/or apply for UTRF’s externship opportunity, students should visit the University of Memphis Law School webpage through the links below:
University of Memphis Law – Externships
University of Memphis Law – Forms and Regulations
For additional questions or clarifications, contact Professor Daniel Schaffzin (dschffzn@memphis.edu) or Professor Barbara Fitzgerald (b.fitzgerald@memphis.edu).
Former Extern Testimonials
Maxwell Schwam
“UTRF’s externship provided valuable exposure to technology licensing, IP creation, and IP protection. This exceptional legal team ensured that I left with skills that set me apart from others entering the workforce.”